West Parish Meeting House Historic Site

Interpreting history in the landscape

This project provides a preservation plan for the archaeologically significant historic property known as the West Parish Meeting House Historic Site. The preservation plan and cultural landscape assessment present an analysis of the site and a conceptual design or “treatment plan.” In historic landscape preservation work, a “treatment plan” provides recommendations regarding the treatment of the site. The recommended treatments at this site are for limited site improvements focusing on the preservation and protection of archaeological resources.

The plan also provides recommendations for long term management of the property and interpretive signage to promote community awareness and understanding of the site’s historic significance.

This preservation plan and assessment follow the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties and are based on The Guidelines for Cultural Landscape Reports. This report serves as a resource and guide for the appropriate implementation of work so that the site continues to be preserved as a State Archaeological Reserve.

Design Focus

Cultural Landscape Analysis
Historic Site Master Planning • Sustainability

West Parish Meeting House Historic Site, Westport, CT
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